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DON'T BREAK THE CHAIN - Push up + Plank Challenge

  • 21 Days
  • 4 Steps


Have you ever struggled to maintain or even start exercise as a lifestyle habit? If so, this challenge will help you to develop the skills and tools necessary for achieving those goals. 21 consecutive days of planned exercise designed to help you take the best first steps in developing a system that works with and fits your lifestyle. No more being told 'this is how', no more criticism from others or yourself, just a simple process of redefining how you think about exercise as a lifestyle habit based on established principles of behavioural change and exercise prescription. Enjoy completing your daily exercise target based on your ability and watching your short 3 minute daily video on how to build your own system. You can also join this challenge via the mobile app. Go to the app

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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